About Us
We are Meredith & Cristina, Rachel & Monica, sisters, and the best of friends. We're 7 years apart with a brother in-between, and we've always been close.
To bring this small business of ours into existence is truly a dream come true! We love working together and pushing each other to achieve greatness. Our skills and passions complement each other and our opposing styles are what makes our work one-of-a-kind.
We’re here to inspire a lifelong love of reading, art, and imagination!


Sis is the brains of the operation. She is the author of all our books and teacher resources. She’s incredibly intelligent, insanely empathetic, and truly an old soul. A good friend is an understatement because her kindness and loyalty are unmatched. She is also really strange. If you knew her well, you would also call her strange. It's a loveable quality and makes for a lot of laughs.
Sis is a mother of two, and she's been married for over a decade. As if she wasn't busy enough she's also the owner of KinderSprout Playschool which is a faith-based playschool in Red Deer, Aberta!
Chrys is the artist. She’s the talent behind all our illustrations and Paper Play designs. She’s also in charge of all graphic design, marketing, and anything tech related. She’s one-of-a-kind and truly brilliant! Chrys is an animal-loving, wine-drinking weirdo. Not only can she do a spot-on Moira Rose imitation, but she can imitate those around her with a near 100% accuracy. She’s a new mother to a very busy girl, and while juggling all the motherhood responsibilities, she’s also a wife, Real Estate Agent, animal-mom, and aunty. Give this woman a medal!